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Photoshop Quick Tutorial

Beginner Guide: Photoshop Quick Tutorial

Hello! For today I will discuss about basic Photoshop. This quick tutorial are for those who actually want to learn in a quick way with no too much talking! Ok let's start. For a beginner, for example me as before "Why Photoshop?" Of course, as what I remembered during college days in my course it is mandatory.... If I define Photoshop it is only to enhance images. 

Let's proceed. If we open Photoshop we can see these so many tools and bars and more icons. Which we think what we should do next? Or how to edit this and how to remove that background?

Let's start to the basic Photoshop Layout Tools or simply called toolbar. Before we start editing or enhancing images, we should familiarize each tool in Photoshop toolbar. 

1. Moving Tool or Move Tool, we can drag an image or any object in any direction. 

2..Marquee Tool, allows you to draw selections based on geometric shapes. You can draw a square, rectangle, oblong, circle, line, and so on. 

3. Lasso Tool, use to trace an element or object. Simple example of this if you want to remove a person in that background. 

4. Quick Selection or Magic Wand Tool, it is similar to Lasso tool to trace an element or object in a quick way of course. To use this is simply click the object and it will automatically trace the whole object selection.

5. Crop and Slice Tool, it is use to crop or slice the image or object.

6. Eyedropper Tool, it is used to sample a color in an image for short I call this a color detector. For example there is an image and you exactly don't know what kind of color is that you can simply use this tool and point that color you want to detect.

7. Spot Healing Brush & Red Eye Tool, this tool is similar to Eyedropper tool. It can copy or can clone the textures or skin stone. Good example of this if the image or a face has a imperfection then you can remove and turn into a smooth area. 

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